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The National Establishments of Agricultural and Seafood Products, FranceAgriMer, was by Order no. 2009-325 of 25 March 2009. FranceAgriMer, a public administrative establishment under the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, was created on 1 April 2009 by the merger of five agricultural and maritime office (Ofimer, Office de l’Elevage, ONIGGC, Onippam and Viniflhor) and the joining of the Réseau des Nouvelles des Marchés (RNM). It is a place for information, exchange, thought, arbitration and management for the French agricultural and fishing sectors, all within the same institution, FranceAgriMer :

  • implements national and European technical and financial support systems and manages market regulation systems... “SUPPORT
  • provides market monitoring, offers not to only economic but also technical expertise, by contributing to technical cooperation actions and the development of international sectors, for example… “ENLIGHTEN
  • organizes dialogue, concertation and the implementation of public policies ... " CONCERT ".

FranceAgriMer is therefore characterized by three distinct and complementary "professions" that make the originality of its action and governance, closely associating public authorities and representatives of the agricultural and agri-food sectors.

Find here the presentation leaflet of the establishment

Documents associés

Plaquette de présentation de FranceAgriMer 2024 | 18/09/2024

Plaquette de présentation de FranceAgriMer Mise à jour de février 2024
PLAQUETTE-...pdf 436 Ko

Ordonnance relative à la création de FranceAgriMer | 26/03/2009

Ordonnance no 2009-325 du 25 mars 2009 relative à la création de l’Etablissement national des produits de l’agriculture et de la mer
ordonnance...pdf 223 Ko

Conditions d'organisation et de fonctionnement de FranceAgriMer | 02/04/2009

Décret n° 2009-340 du 27 mars 2009 relatif à l’Agence de services et de paiement à l’Etablissement national des produits de l’agriculture et de la mer et à l’Office de développement de l’économie agricole...
Décret n° ...pdf 239 Ko
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