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Qui sommes-nous ?

Managed by an administration board and a general manager, Christine AVELIN, FranceAgriMer has its head office in Montreuil sous Bois (93). Three national delegations are affliated to it :

  • the national delegation of Libourne (33), in charge of the common organization of the wine market
  • the national delegation of La Rochelle (17), providing a laboratory for cereal analysis
  • the national delegation of Volx (04), dedicated to perfume, aromatic and medicinal plants as well as Mediterranean productions, olive oil and rice.

In order to fulfill its mission of concenrtation within the agricultural and maritime sectors, FranceAgrimer relies on 11 specialized councils which regularly bring together all the professionals of each sector and the public authorities. The operation of the councils is organized by the Sectors mission which s under the authority of the General Management.

FranceAgriMer is a paying organism, recognized by the public authorities and the professionals of the agricultural, agri-food and fisheries sectors, both for the management of European and national aid. The Interventions Directorate is in charge of implementing all these financial support systems.

 The Markets Directorate, studies and prospective, produces or collects and processes economic data related to the different sectors, analyses them and provides insight and decision-making support. Its skills and expertise in this field rank as a trusted third-party operator, guaranteeing the transparency and neutrality of economic and technical information.

The Directorate General also has a mission of European and International Affairs, which backs up the policy of influence of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; a delegate to the Food Processing Industries and an Internal Audit mission.

In the regions, FranceAgriMer has territorial services assigned in the Regional Directorates of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (DRAAF). Working directly with the producers and operators in the various sectors, the regional agents handle all the control, information processing and aid application missions that fall within the establishment’s remit.

Overall, the Establishment relies on nearly a thousand agents, about two-thirds of whom carry out their missions at headquarters.

Find here the presentation leaflet of the establishment.

Documents associés

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